What is Craniosacral Therapy?
Craniosacral Therapy is a subtle form of body work that helps people release injuries, tension, and blockages in the tissues.
The body's natural tendency is toward alignment. In my practice, I use gentle manipulation to invite the body to let go of places that are stuck, thereby finding ease and equilibrium. This very gentle method of releasing blockages has the potential to affect people both physically and emotionally, offering relief from a variety of ailments.
The body's natural tendency is toward alignment. In my practice, I use gentle manipulation to invite the body to let go of places that are stuck, thereby finding ease and equilibrium. This very gentle method of releasing blockages has the potential to affect people both physically and emotionally, offering relief from a variety of ailments.
Who Can Benefit from Craniosacral Therapy?
Anybody can benefit from Craniosacral Therapy because it provides an opportunity to unwind, relax, and release stress.
More specifically, Craniosacral Therapy can relieve symptoms of:
stress chronic fatigue pain in the back, neck or elsewhere anxiety depression immune issues emotional trauma post-pregnancy (post-partum) difficulties post-accident trauma and healing sleep difficulties / insomnia ear problems eye problems TMJ problems sinus problems migraines and headaches |